Boys to Men

img_6973 “The days are long but the years are short!”

As I was cleaning up a few items in my little boy’s room on Sunday I looked up and saw all of his dress up costumes and superhero capes. I sat down in the middle of the floor and was overcome with emotions as I began reflecting on the past two years. I have always heard the quote, “The days are long and the years are short”,  but now that I am a mom, I completely understand the true meaning behind that quote. 

One of the things I love about being a mom to two little boys is getting to experience their adventurous spirit and observing their curiosity about everything around them. I love how my 5 year old dresses up in his fireman suit and superhero costumes after school. When he runs into the room carrying a car making “vroom! vroom!” sounds dressed as a fireman baseball player, it brings the biggest smile to my face.  

I love how my oldest went from wanting to be an engineer and an attorney to now a quarterback in the NFL even though he has never played organized football a day his life. I love that he still plays with his legos and cars and enjoys playing in his own creative world making spaceship sounds and car sounds. Honestly, I simply love that right now my boys think they can be anything they want to me in this life.

These are the days that I wish I could simply freeze time but I know the years are going to keep going by and I need to cherish every moment and make these long days count. We are raising boys to be men and we have a big job to do. Our children are learning from from us everyday. They imitate our actions and our words and as parents we are in the buisness of making lifelong deposits into their lives. How we treat our children and what we do in our own lives has a direct impact on our children and their development.

Both of our boys have had a rough start to their precious lives and with that start comes many scars and challenges that we have to work through as a family.  My boys have taught me a lot about resiliency and strength the past two years just by how they are living their own little lives. I admire them and love them with every piece of my heart.

I have to say that becoming a parent overnight to two little boys was single handedly the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. As parents I think we are on a constant cycle of refinement while raising little humans who are trying to navigate and figure out this big world. It has an extra zing to it when raising little humans who did not have the best start in life and they often carry the weight of those beginnings on their shoulders and in their hearts.

As parents, we make mistakes, make repairs, and try again differently and hope and pray we are getting it right some of the time (I will share more about this topic later). Our children teach us so much about ourselves and they force us to grow as adults and parents. I hope and pray, despite my many shortcomings as a parent, that my boys grow up feeling loved, confident in who they are, and knowing they can be anything they want to be in this life if they work hard and stay focused.

Right now they are dressing up in costumes and pretending to be superheroes, but one day those childhood dreams and pretend play will be the real world and they will be grown men. My heart’s desire is to raise two boys to be good men who know and love Jesus, who are confident in who they are as adults, and who always treat others treat others with respect and kindness.  I know that I must model those same character traits for my children because they are going to learn by seeing my actions and not just hearing my words. 

The road to raising boys into men is bumpy and sometimes challenging beyond what I think I am capable, but it’s the most rewarding road I have ever been on and I wouldn’t change it anything in the world. The days can definitely be long, but those days matter and everything we do in those daily moments matter. 

To every parent out there reading this post, please know there is another parent walking in your shoes and going through some of the same challenges. We can all do this parenting gig and one day our children are going to grow up and do great things in this life. Stay the course, enjoy the moments, and maybe have a glass of wine or two along the way! 🙂

This is a video of my youngest in one of his special outfits telling us how to play baseball.


6 responses to “Boys to Men”

  1. Heartwarming…Definitely The world of Children is very different from a us. There give us purpose of life.


    1. Thank you!! Children definitely bring so much purpose and joy to our lives. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment!


  2. your average momma Avatar
    your average momma

    Beautiful post! Time sure flies with kids; I agree that it’s so important to cherish every moment. My son is just over a year old and it feels like the year passed in the blink of an eye.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! It truly does go by way too fast. We just had a time hop on FB bring up our kids from this time last fall. Our youngest has grown so much this year. I bet your son has changed a lot this year.:) There is always let if me that wants time to stand still, but this other part of me that enjoys watching them grow and change. 💕

      Liked by 1 person

      1. your average momma Avatar
        your average momma

        So true. There’s fun in watching them grow and learn, even though it all happens so fast. My son has changed quite a bit. He looked like a carbon copy of my husband when he was born but now he looks a bit like both of us. And he’s learning something new every day. 🙂


  3. The boys are so beautiful it’s absolutely amazing how fast children grow and how many many precious moments that you will always cherish as a mom my sister once told me there are two things you can’t take back in this world and that’s words and time and as I’ve gotten older I’ve found that to be painfully true. As moms we sacrifice it all for them but in return they end up saving us. Halley you are wonderful mom ,writer,wife,decorate,and the life you have for those boys is amazing just know from your lips Take time before it’s gone if you have loved ones nearby, and no matter what they do . take the time to go see them or call and face time them because time is precious and just as some of us can never get all those special moments like first day of school first, play all the things they waited for their whole lives time is precious and you never know when it might end you should be proud of the mon you are I am thank you I truly mean that . Anonymous


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